Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

MixMatched MARGATE!

WOW!– We came. We Fought. We Concurred that it went extremely well! Thank-you everyone who came to our first MixMatched Night in Margate and made it so spectacular! After having our venue pulled last minute we feared the worst…. but Sundowners Bar put us up in their fairy light lit, black velvet stage room (complete with pole!)

With a mixture of Margate locals and dedicated MixMatched regulars who kindly travelled over from Canterbury we had an absolutely fantastic range of talent! 

This time we were packed on the comedy front, Steve Pimblott and Simon Kempthorne’s one-liners , Adam Dorr’s fantastic stand-up comedy set, and to mix it up even more Nathan Keates improv comedy troupe [YELLOW DOG!] We had not one, but two speeches on coming out as an autistic woman, by co-host Alice Riley and Margate attendee Krysia Waldock, we also had the pleasure of hosting published poet Dean Stalham who spoke upon his experiences of ADHD and dyslexia before reading from his collection and getting the audience to chant ‘talking out of their posterior-arse’, in his poem about working class struggles. He finished his act with a poigent and hard-hitting poem upon suicide in the UK over the lockdown.

We had another perform speak upon her own mental health struggles, Samantha, who spoke upon how writing and creativity has helped her through periods of anxiety.

Another strand of performance was the macarbe with Ellen revealing to us her feminist take of a ‘witchy-tale’, Chloe Lewer telling us her true encounter of a raven that broke into a church service, and host Emma Robdale (me) regaling us with a flash-fiction piece of a whitchs love, and eventual death by fire…. all in all, and absolutely fantastic night!!!


(Please contact if you’d like to contact our performers/inquire if they are available for a event or booking)

  1. Alice Riley – Host, speaking upon her experiences as an autistic woman.
  2. Samantha – Reading from her poetry collection and speaking upon how writing/creativity has helped her process anxiety.
  3. Simon Kempthorn regaling us with more of his ‘home-made’ puns.
  4. Emma Robdale -host, performing a flash fiction piece upon witches and fire.
  5. Adam Dorr – Performed another astounding stand-up performance … that he’d just written on the bus!
  6. Ellen – A magical performance of her own feminist retelling of a ‘witchy-tale’
  7. Steve Pimblot – bravely took to the stage to release some of his favourite fantastically funny one-liners.
  8. Patrick – spoke upon his own experiences as ADHD, and famous ADHD
  9. Dean Stalham – Our headliner! – Published poet spoke upon his own experiences of being ND+ then read from his collection on the topic of working class struggle and mental health over lockdown.
  10. Improvisational theatre piece! – Performing as a troupe for the first time… Nathan Keates, Krysia Waldock, Steve Pimblot and Emma Robdale – making it up as they went along, they entertained by playing a number of theatre games LIVE on stage.
  11. Krysia Waldock: Wrote a moving and heart-felt poetic speech upon existing as an autistic woman – Read by host Alice Riley.
  12. Audience poem read by hosts Alice Riley and Emma Robdale!

Thanks again for everyone who attended…. and also to Sundowner’s for putting us up last minute!  😀

On a Dark and Stormy Night… NAPPY SNAPPY DOG!

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