Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

MixMatched – Intense Fascinations!

Thank-you everyone who travelled with us to our new venue, FOND Coffee! – Hopefully this can be our forever Canterbury home! – Our night’s theme was ‘Intense Fascinations’ (which we like better than ‘special interests’), and it drew a whole host of wacky and wonderful neurodiverse and neurodivergent talent!

Chloe Lewer started off our night with a speech upon what ND+ intense fascinations are, and how they manifest… elaborating upon some of her own. Our Fond night came with a wave of new comedy, MixMatched regulars Adam Dorr and Simon Kempthorne, performed new their new material’s, and Krysia Waldock bravely hosted our Improvisational comedy section (usually led by Nathan Improv Keates!).

We had MixMatched firsts…. Gabby Rolls, from Kent Stand-Up society, confidently took to the stage discussing her experiences of Cerebral Palsy, and the irony of language (such as the make of her wheel-chair ‘quickie’ – the logo placement being right between her legs!) James, also from Kent Stand-up, and adorning a knitted frog hat, united our MixMatched audience in ‘anger’ with their unusual routine upon the unity of hate! Another MM first was Darcie – it was also Darcie’s first ever time performing poetry! – We are overjoyed that they chose MixMatched!

Our last ‘first’ was Angel Dee, one of our two musical acts, the other being Karl Mercer, both performed original songs upon the difficulties of being true to yourself, while also finding acceptance. – a theme which many Neurodivergent+ audience members related.

Our last poetry acts were Ellen Jones…. who, dressing for the part, in ‘school uniform (checked skirt, white shirt and tie), performed poetry combining her own experiences teaching unruly private school girls with the themes from the well-known film ‘St Trinians’ – I also performed (Emma Robdale) – an improvised speech upon my own special interest – ‘INSEX’ (insect sex), complete with a feminist bee poem… and we with our lovely sign-up on the night, Tom, who earnestly performed poetry upon mental health and struggle.

Thank-you Fond for having us!!! – Such a relaxed, roomy and comfortable venue! – Plenty of room for MixMatched stage and also places where people could decompress/relax. – super coffee and cake (and wine) for those who fancied it!

Our fantastic ‘Intense Fascinations’, Line-Up was:

  • 1. Chloe Lewer – Speech on Neurodivergent intense fascinations
  • 2. Adam Dorr – comedy.
  • 3. Karl – Music/song/guitar upon autistic identity
  • 4. Angel Dee – Music/Song/Guitar upon self identity.


  • 5. Krysia Waldock– improvisational set with the audience.
  • 6. Gabby Rolls – comedy upon the irony of names surrounding disability accessibly
  • 7. Darcie Lilley – Poetry
  • 8. Simon Kempthorne -comedy
  • 9. Ellen Jones – Blended performance upon working at girl’s school and poetry upon St Trinians


  • 10. Emma Robdale – Talk on In-Sex (how insects have sex), and a feminist poem utilizing bees.
  • 11. James – Comedy Performance upon how people aren’t angry enough and need more angry solidarity!
  • 12. Tom – Poetry upon mental health.

Our Next night is in Margate: 27th May (6.00-8.30) Sundowners. – And then our night is Canterbury: 28th May (7.00-9.30) Fond Coffee

Please contact us at: if you would like to contact any performers for gigs.

Cultivating Neurodivergent+ culture and community! – Hope to see you all again x

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