Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

In-Adam-quate Stand-Up Comedy – Mixmatched Social

MixMatched comedy regular, Autistic Assemble lead and trainee presenter Adam Dorr took to the stage with his own full length comedy show at the Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury. We rounded up a MixMatched posse to support… and could only just squeeze into the packed out show with an audience of 50+. 

Description: Mozart was 5 years old when he started composing. Adam Dorr is 22 years old and sometimes laughs at his own jokes. Fresh out of Faversham Fringe, watch a young autistic theatre nerd lament the many tragedies, minor, major, genuine and embarrassing into a show that combines wit and humour with an open discussion of mental health.

I’d seen Adam first air, ‘In-Adam-Quate’ an ‘auti’-biographical  show upon some of the hazards, hiccups and hilarities of being a socialist autistic student at Faversham Fringe… HE WAS BACK – and the show was braver, funnier, and more unabashed than before.

Adam has grown from strength to strength  as a presenter, comedian and  performer. As a director of MixMatched (and his previous drama lecturer) it has been fabulous to watch a performer with such humility and heart find their feet and thrive both within and away from our Neurodivergent+ community. 

Adam’s show detailed how, after needing to repeat the first year of his degree (due to being the victim of a autistic centred hate-crime), he’d managed not only to continue his degree, but also progress into the world of comedy! A segment of his act explained how, unimpressed with childhood bully’s remarks, he’d informed them  of better/smarter ways to mock him… which had been largely ignored!  His partner, also a comedian… cheered him on/heckled him from the audience; To this Adam commented, “I’m not even the funniest part of my own show!” (to  substantial laughter/applause). 

By allowing his own introspective, and loveably awkward nature into his act, Adam shared personal insights and astute observations, claiming his space as a Neurodivergent Comedian. 

Our MixMatched are extremely proud, and excited not only to work with Adam, but also to see what he does next! 

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