The day after our MadMatched show, upon the first of December we were asked to be the guest speakers at DYSPLA’S monthly Neurodivergent+ Online Networking event. DYSPLA is a London-based Neurodivergent+ Arts Collective that has been running since 2007. Founders Lennie Varvarides and Kazimir Bielecki, both identify as Neurodivergent+. Once a month they host a talk to encourage networking and commandery between ND+ creatives. Lennie Varvaride’s erotic experimental Screen-play is one of the nine short stories included within MixMatched ‘Atypical Love’ Anthology – Already Neurodivergent+ Support and Networking is manifesting!

DYSPLA prides itself in facilitating open, honest conversations around Neurodivergent+ arts and politics. MixMatched directors were initially invited to speak about how they began the ‘Atypical Love’ project, and how it progressed into its final result with questions on publishing. Directors discussed how it had started as a small community project, but then was propelled into something larger when it acquired arts council funding. Emma explained how the pomegranate was inspired by the cover of ‘Oranges are not the Only Fruit’, which was one of the first more mainstream lesbian love story. The pips in the pomegranate also look like love hearts, with the segmented shape naturally been the international peace sign. Some of the pips are freeing themselves from their set ‘segregations’… representative of discovering new ‘Atypical’ love dynamics.
Directors were asked about Neurodivergent+ style, and explained that each story was very different, but definitely reflected each individual’s ND+ perspectives/lived experience. Alice gave the example of Carrol’s story, which featured polyamorous romance, and that an element of the protagonist’s ADHD meant that she mixed up all the dates. Another participant chose to write within no/little grammar, reflecting more of a train of thought style, and, in a way, can be seen as a stand against the need of set/rigid grammatical structures.
The concept of Neuroqueer was discussed with all participants been able to ask and add to answers; The idea of Neuroqueer in the book was that Neurodivergent+ individuals can have their perspectives of gender and sexuality infused by ND+ processing and lived experience.
The conversation then moved around wider topics such as, how do you make people listen if they do not have a concept of Neurodivergent (or Neurogender?) and, does the multi-facited of the concept ‘Neurodivergent’, water down/take away from individual identities such as Dyslexia, and put the onus more upon Autism and ADHD?
It was discussed that, regarding introducing people who do not know anything about ND+ identity to it, one way is to meet them where they are at, and rather than push new concepts, expand on what they already know – with it potentially being better for them to understand a little bit more, rather than them feel alienated and cut off completely.
The second question was quite hard to answer. Emma Robdale, MixMatched director, commented that as she had so many diagnoses, Neurodivergent+ made more sense to her. – but as a whole, the neurodivergent+ movement needed to acknowledge a range of neurotypes, to avoid squeezing people out.
Lastly, Neurodivergent+ employment was talked about. With people expressed that they had difficulties keeping and maintaining jobs in a range of inflexible institutions. It was suggested that smaller family-run places can be more suited, but only if the ‘family’ is ND+ friendly… otherwise these places can actually be far worse! With their being such a wide range of ND+ individuals, from a wide range of backgrounds, it is important to increase the visability (and rights!) within a range of industries… while also focusing on building up our own ND+ led collectives, directly catering and championing ND+ narratives!
Before ending the chat MixMatched brought the conversation back to ‘Atypical Love’…. which can be bought at Amazon and Waterstones!
You can read a short introduction to DYSPLA collective below, and find more about them upon their websight:
DYSPLA makes art and conducts research into the Neurodivergent Aesthetic with a focus on short form narrative. We work in the following mediums: Digital, Print, Photography, Poetry, Performance, XR (VR, 360º Film, AR, MR), Moving Image, Theatre and Installation to elucidate a new artistic aesthetic defined by the cognitive difference of neurodivergence.
DYSPLA Manifesto:
• Produce and develop the work of neurodivergent storymakers.
• Create stories with undervalued and unheard communities around Britain and the world.
• Build a national and international network of neurodiverse creatives.
• Inspire Britain’s neurodivergent storymaking community.