Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

Creative Writing and Movement Workshop Margate Beach

Another Outside workshop! – A bit chilly but didn’t rain. Upon Wednesday the 7th of August, one of our largest workshops took place upon Margate Beach! 

A blend of movement, writing and discussion. This workshop incorporated nautical themes with a range of hopefully fun activities! Participants did some circle games to get to know each other before being encouraged to use long bamboo sticks to mirror eachother’s shapes in the sand, interacting with the beach landscape! 

Each participant then took their notebook and walked around the beach, exploring their senses,  before sharing with the group. – They also brought back a specific item they found on the beach… which would later act as inspiration for a short piece of writing (we learned how one participant used to cook seaweed soup with her grandma!) 

Focusing on memory and shared memories, participants paired up and shared their most memorable beach experiences. This was a very intimate share… as we all learned a bit more about each other’s past experiences and what stood out or was important to eachohther. 

A cup of tea at Weatherspoons was needed for some of us to warm up afterwards, but it was a wounderful way to spend a summers evening! 


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