Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

Breaking Dawn, ‘New Beginnings and Unexpected Gifts’

WOW! What a start to the year! – With an audience of 40+ it was the largest MixMatched we have ever hosted at the Mooring Cafe, Canterbury. We’re happy to say that our first Art’s Council funded event was a hit! THANKS SO MUCH TO THE FRIEND’S MEETING HOSUE, for loaning us their impressive speakers and Mic, making it an extra special night. 

We were fortunate enough to be joined by four participants from our ‘Pimp Your Performance’ workshop the week before! – Roy Clarke, Gabby Rolls, Simon Kempthorne and Ellen Jones! It was wonderful to watch these performers workshop and develop elements of their performative crafts…. and then see them fully come to life upon MixMatched stage!

In total we were lucky enough to host twelve sparkling performers and this MixMatched set was particularly poetry-loaded, comprising of 9 poetry acts, of very different genres! From poetry upon autistic love and connection, to reflections upon mental health, and cunnilingus and watermelons! As well as welcoming back our splendid MixMatched regulars, such as Adam Dor and Ellen Jones, we were overjoyed to welcome FIVE MixMatched firsts… leading us to our first ever beat-boxed performance!

We also sported 3 comedy acts, with Roy Clarke starting us up and warming up the crowd! – Our Autistic Assemble Improv group (sporting two guest honouree autistics!) the audience in stiches, and finally Gabby Rolls graced us with her new set. 😀 

Thanks again everyone for coming to support us!  (and for another wonderfully Avant Guard audience poem!)- Pictures coming… so please check our gallery!

Our Set-Lit: 

First Set:

  1. Roy Clarke- stand-up
  2. Ellen Jones – experimental on special interest of Green man
  3. Zac Davies – Poetry
  4. Ash Hodgen – Poetry on Neurodivergence and Love
  5. Amy Kemp-Jones – Performance Poetry. 

Second set: 

6. Autistic Assemble – 3 regulars (Emma Robdale (host), Adam Dorr, Simon Kempthorne) PLUSS two honouree autistics Roy and Gabby Rolls. 

7. Gabby – Reflective Comedy
8. Robyn – Beat Box 

Third Set

9. Adam Dorr – stand-up comedy upon loosing his wallet
10. Mangit Gora – Poetry upon mental health and reflection
11. Tom – poetry/experimental, intimate and sensual meditational. 
12. Red Frederik ‘light-hearted, fun, naughty-ish poem’’ upon a water-melon… and cunnilingus. 

Our Nights Caption Contest Below...

WINNING CAPTION: “I really shouldn’t have started my new pain meds when I visited the zoo” – Gabby Rolls

RUNNER UP: “Is that a French horn or are you just happy to see me?” – Simon Kempthorne 

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