Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent


Upon Monday the 30th of September MixMatched appeared as part of the Margate Bookie! They promoted their own anthology Atypical Love alongside discussing  queer British-Ghanaian novelist Elvin James Mensah’s novel ‘Small Joys’. After the author’s panel discussion MixMatched presented an array of Neurodivergent+ comedians to put on their first all comedy show! 

This event was also covered by Andy Malt, a free lance journalist who worked for the bookie. Read his article here:

“This event will be the first time we release our anthology to the public, so we are very excited” – Alice Riley

Alice, Emma and Elvin hit off the night in a ‘Live’ interview/discussion surrounding their recent publications, drawing together Alvin’s own reasons for writing ‘Small Things’ and how some of its themes link to Neurodivergence and intersectionality. One of the love interests in ‘Small Things’ identified as asexual, which was central to the plot, and was also a dyslexic individual, Emma Robdale, also dyslexic, commented it was nice to have a naturally dyslexic character, whereby the plot was focused on his personality, creativity, sense of humour and strong fascinations (bird watching), rather than anything explicitly surrounding struggle. 

Small Things also discusses the struggles the main character had with his mental health, and how elements of this arose from a very conservative background that shamed and rejected him for being a gay black man. Mental health and neurodivergence was also discussed, and how authors who have had mental health struggles often channel this into writing as a way to process. Elvin believed that drawing from his own experiences is one of the elements of power within his novel.

The talk ended with a Q and A from the audience, which asked Elvin questions about his inspiration, and also our writing practices such as where we wrote and what our methods were.

After a quick break in which audience members and authors continued in-depth conversations surrounding writing, mental health, and neurodivergence, MixMatched was to begin with their first ever ALL-COMEDY SHOW!

“All our comedians are neurodivergent or disabled and up-and-coming on the circuit, so we are proud to give them the opportunity to be paid to showcase their talents,” says Alice. “Our loose theme is love and despair, so expect funny stories about the trials and tribulations of modern dating, and how neurodiversity and disability can bring additional complexities! We have some really talented acts so I’m really excited to watch the show.” – Alice Riley

Sporting four MixMatched comedians the night transcended into our comedy theme of love and despair, ‘the ups and downs of modern dating’. STARING:

Gabby Rolls – Part of Kent University comedy club Gabby Rolls discusses her own experiences dating and the complexities that her disability (or more often than not other people’s weird assumptions!) bring!
Adam Dorr – Also part of the University of Kent Comedy Club, Adam, a MixMatched regular and ND+ identifying man, discussed his new relationship and a number of loveably awkward dynamics! 
Sham Shakil – Sham Shakil, a comedian well-known to Kent, discussed some of his own dating disasters, while also drawing upon his Pakistani roots to play with audience assumptions. 

HOT ROD-  A multi-disciplinary comedian! Discussed some of their own dynamics with their partner. Also known for their drag performances, Hot Rod will be performing at the MixMatched Margate night in January!

Ribs– Neurodivergent+ (long-limbed) identifying comedian, and organiser of the Faversham Fringe Festival, and member of Flock improv group regaled us with antidotes upon her own life, including several hilarious misunderstandings as she discussed her sordid dating history!

Hosted by MixMatched Hosts Emma Robdale and Alice Riley, it would seem as if everyone had a fab time and were able to talk and discover more upon intersectional narratives. 


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