Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

MixMatched goes LIVE on RADIO!

Alice Riley and Emma Robdale went live on Academy FM to talk about MixMatched, its ethos and upcoming events! We nervously prepped our notes in  the car on the way there… excited about talking on radio for the first time!… nervous we would fluff it up! 

DON’T TALK TOO FAST…. DON’T GO ON TANGENTS… We tried to be as succinct as possible! We found the Academy FM Radio hosts very friendly, and they soon put us at ease. We’ve now escaped from the little padded soundproof cell and we hope you’ll give us a listen! 

Listen here: 


If you would like to read more reviews upon MixMatched:

Disability Arts Online: 

MixMatched: Building Neurodivergent-led Communities Through the Art of Spoken Word

Thannet News: 

Mix Matched performance nights aimed at neurodivergent community have expanded to Margate


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