We’re still going strong in Margate! – Thank-you again everyone who supported us! – Now that we’re a CIC hopefully it wont’ be long until we obtain funding to create BIGGER (in a neurodivergently friendly way lol), BETTER, AND MORE INCLUSIVE nights! (our next night is in Canterbury 5th of July – 7.00-9.30, The Mooring Café, Water Lane)
On Saturday the 27th of May, upon Sundowner’s stage we were graced with a plethora of talent! AND a new(ish) compare, our most loyal comedian (never missing a night!) Adam Dorr, aced his first time hosting upon MixMatched stage! – and (we hope) will become a regular presenter!
From Edinburgh fringe to Margate Sundowner’s, James Mileham started off our night with a kick, with a hilarious, jam-packed and quite eclectic set. We had our first ever viola performance by Georgia Green, and a personal talk upon culturized renaming by Satish Banger expanding upon the important of correct pronunciation.. We hosted another new wave of comedians! – Aaron Kay performed his first ever comedic set upon his own reflections upon awkward encounters – very relatable to our majority Neurodivergent/Autistic audience! Our optional theme was ‘Change’, and a performer who truly embodied this was MLJ (Johnny), who had a mid-performance costume change! – and performed his comedy story/poetry hybrid about a gherkin!
Spurring from Jammies Improv Comedy workshops, the Autistic Avengers graced our stage with their first guest performance! – complete with capes, they fight evil (and conservatives) wherever they fly. Alex Franks, another first time comedian, took the stage by storm with their authenticity and charisma, speaking upon experiences coming out as a non-binary primary school teacher . A last minute sign up on the night, Kate jumped up upon the stage to encourage Neurodivergent individuals in joining her project – writing kind messages to other ND/Autistic folk who are struggling with mental health difficulties (many people contributed to writing post-cards for her in the break – if you’d like to join in, give contact MixMatched)
More firsts were, Nathan Chai, who passionately performed his own poetry, and Robert Moly, who gave us a peak into another world within a short story.
We were also graced by some of our MixMatched regulars (family!) Dean Stallham (renowned poet whose work covers politics surrounding working class experience, struggle, and injustice! )Ellen Jones (our very own MixMatched Mystic!) – performing her own poetry upon Changelings (expertly fitting our nights theme!) the Fay, and lost children. Simon Kempthone (camera-man and pun enthusiast), Karl Mercer (musician and poet) and Cloe Lewer (performing her own poetry upon autistic identity.)
Full Set List: (Please email: mixmatched.sw@gmail.com if you’d like to get in contact with any of our performers)
1. Adam Dorr – MixMatched royalty, comedy
2. Dean Stallham – poetry
3. James Mileham – Comedy
4. Georgia Green – Music/Viola Performance.
5. Jonny/ MLJ – comedy story/poem.
6. Krysa & Adam Dorr – Autistic Avenges – improv comedy
7. Alex Franks – stand up comedy, first time performing
8. Satish Banger – speech on culture, identity and racialised renaming
9. Robert Moly – short story
10. Aaron Kay – comedy on the Neurodivergent experience
11. Karl Mercer – start on the rise, winner of Utterance poetry slam, music
12. Nathan Chai – poetry
13. Elen Jones – MixMatched regular, has previously done nan dancing, tonight performing poetry
14. Simon Kempthorne – key part of the MixMatched family, comedy, dad jokes, puns
15. Chloe Lewer – Poetry upon self identity.