Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent


MixMatched second Pride March!!! – MixMatched Marched with Margate Pride upon the 10th of Autust 2024, meeting a whole new group of Neuroqueer individuals and supporters, championing diverse identities 😀

Alice Riley awaited our posse upon the top of the hill, while I hurriedly tried to get through the packed-out town with the banners! – Finding my neuroqueer brethren we flew our two (proudly hand painted) banners! ‘Neuroqueer and Here’ and ‘MixMatched, ‘Neurodivergent Pluss, Listen to Us!” – It was fabulous to meet and connect with such a range of new and exciting people, one Neurodivergent+ attendee told us it was their first EVER pride, and that they had felt comfortable going because they could come with MixMatched. 

Waveing our flags, we proudly marched to the main stage area in Dreamland Park, where we watched a variety of spoken word and drag acts…. before I had to leave to set up for our Authentic Voice Neuroqueer creative writing workshop (which you can read about in the next blog!) 

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