Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent


Lava Elastic, a Brighton Based Neurodiverse/Neurodivergent Performance Night run by the amazing Sarah Saeed is touring the UK! 😀 MixMatached Host, Emma Robdale, and regular MM performer Adam Dorr Both perform original comedy at the event!

It is truly wonderful that two Neurodivergent creative groups have the opportunity to collaborate! – Thank-you ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND!

Emma Robdale – who will be performing upon her special interest of ‘In Sex’ (how insects have sex)
Adam Dorr who will be performing material based upon his own experiences of being Neurodivergent+

PERFORMERS: Adam Dorr, Cian Binchy, Emma Robdale, Isa Bonachera

Tickets can be booked here! (FULL PRICE £10.00) Lets Make Lava Elastic FANTASTIC:

How the Event Went

The show must go on! – unfortunately, Adam was struck down with illness, and so Daniel Lambert, Canterbury based comedian,  took to the stage to talk about some of his experiences of being deaf. Emma Robdale performed ‘In-Sex’ a hybrid stand-up poetry set upon the intimate lives of insects… using their sex antics as allegories for human behaviours … all while dressed as a giant prey mantis! 

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