Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

MixMatched Code of Conduct

We strive to maintain a diverse community that champions respect, kindness and tolerance. Our objective is to create spaces for people to meet, connect, feel comfortable sharing creative practices, and hopefully make lasting friendships.

However, as in any large/growing community, there will occasionally be misunderstandings and obstacles; we rarely have significant difficulty, but our MixMatched nights aim to be safe spaces and we hope you feel comfortable informing us if something has made you feel uncomfortable or targeted. Though some  minor and/or personal disagreements can be resolved between individuals, if you have, or are, experiencing any consistent upsetting or dangerous behaviours at our events/or by someone you have met at our events, you can email us at: or

Please read our Codes of Conduct if you have been referred to this page 🙂

The below ‘Rules of Good Conduct’ have been set/agreed by our organisers as guidance for group interaction, specific complaints and/or grievances will be determined against them.

If it is deemed that an individual has purposely breached the below code of conduct to cause significant or malicious disruption and/or hurt, they will be contacted by an organiser; if they continue to breach these codes of conduct, they will be asked to leave the collective and banned from any future events (if a grievance/breach is very serious, they will be banned immediately.) If it is considered that a ‘breach’ has unintentionally been caused by a communicational difference/misunderstanding, we, in the first case, aim to contact and educate the person to what behaviour/remarks have caused upset, however, if, after repeated warnings, we see that the comments/behaviour remains unchecked, you may be asked to leave MixMatched collective. We take and consider complaints on a case by case basis. 

1. MixMatched discourages gossip/slander aimed at other community members; it is not beneficial to creating an accommodating community or space.

2. Refrain from making comments which are derogatory/discriminatory towards people’s culture, race, religion (including spirituality), sexual orientation and/or LGBTQ+ identity (respect pronouns), gender identity, disability, or class. Do not make derogatory comments towards a person’s shape, appearance and/or how they dress/present.

3. MixMatched is not a dating event we encourage people to find lasting/meaningful relationships, but refrain from making comments/advancements that cause others to feel uncomfortable. Pursuing/harassing individuals that reject romantic advances is never appropriate.

4. Intoxication will not be treated or viewed as an excuse for discriminatory remarks, or unwarranted sexual advance. Several of our events are at venues that serve alcohol.

5. Only contact group members privately if they have agreed and if someone asks for you to stop communicating with them, then this needs to be adhered to.  Do not share contact numbers or addresses of group members with others without  explicit consent.

6. Be mindful of differing communications and what others are comfortable with this group encourages people from a range of backgrounds, who wish to mix and share diverse interests; we want people to feel comfortable being themselves while also being respectful and mindful of others who also have a range of needs and boundaries. 

With this in mind: 

  • People are comfortable with differing levels of communication. Though some of our guests may have difficulty recognising specific personal boundaries, this should not be at the expense of others feeling significantly uncomfortable/overwhelmed.
  • We encourage people to be free and open in our group – but we ask people to be mindful of people’s processing abilities and preferences; it can feel natural to talk at length upon subjects we are passionate about (to an extent, this is endorsed, celebrated and encouraged)  but some members of our community find lengthy/excessive conversing overwhelming, anxiety provoking and fatiguing – we ask people to be mindful of this and respect space, limits and boundaries.
  • A number of our events cover several serious/potentially upsetting topics; we don’t censor stage material, but we do implement Trigger Warnings. When conversing with others, though we hope MixMatched can be a safe/open space, be mindful that no one is attending in the capacity of a counsellor or therapist –  please ensure people are comfortable with content being discussed; though you may be comfortable, you can’t always be aware of other’s backgrounds and triggers.
  • Debates are natural, but we ask all our members to be mindful, tolerant, and sensitive to a range of perspectives/opinions, with this in mind, please do not pursue or insist upon conversational topics with a person who has expressed discomfort with that subject area or direction.

We do provide communication stickers to help indicate how comfortable individuals are being approached at MixMatched events:

Green = Happy to be approached.

Yellow = You can approach me, but be aware I may be anxious. 

Red = Do not approach me unless I talk to you first).

If someone tells you their boundaries you must try to adhere to them. If you encounter significant difficulties with an individual/individuals at a MixMatched event and do not feel comfortable broaching it with them, please inform one of the MixMatched facilitators (Holly, Emma, Alice), and they’ll address it discreetly. 

If you believe you have been targeted or have a grievance, you should avoid contacting MixMatched facilitators on personal networks or devices (such as their phone, WhatsApp or FB), and instead use the MixMatched email ( or ) or MixMatched FB/Insta messenger. 

If we receive substantial information that someone in attendance has, or is, acting in ways that put others at risk we reserve the right to ask them to leave immediately and not attend future events, we do this to safeguard our community and potentially vulnerable individuals. 

If you think of something that has been missed off this list, please email us at: or 

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