Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

Booking Us/What We Provide

MixMatched has put on a range of relaxed and creative Performance Nights and Workshops. We do this monthly, but, we can also be booked for specific events/talks/ festivals, which we’re able to provide services for. 

We can be booked for:

Festivals:  We can set up a gazebo that can be a quiet/comfortable space, which also advertises and gives out information about Neurodivergence and Neurodivergent+ arts and culture. We can provide tailored workshops (Drama, Confidence, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Poetry, Zine Making) as well as put-on shows; we can either bring our talented performers, or host spoken-word/open mic at events. 

Workshops: We host regular workshops alongside our nights (Drama, Confidence, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Poetry, Zine Making, Arts and Crafts). Our MixMatched directors are trained artists, therapists, writers and performers. We can tailor and provide workshops for specific events/talks/symposiums. We can do workshops in-person and online. 

Performance Nights: MixMatched puts on regular performance nights. We can host specific performance nights at festivals and events (Either by bringing a selection of our own Neurodivergent+ performers, or hosting a spoken word/open mic sign-up event) 

Training Days: MixMatched directors are happy to be invited to talk about Creative Community, Neurodivergent+ identity and access requirements. We can also provide some PDF documents upon developing Neurodivergent+ Access. 

Price Guidelines

We always try and tailor all our services to our customer needs – please contact us to ask.

Below are price guidelines; we are able to offer discounts to charities/smaller organisers. Occasionally we do pro-bono events. Please get in contact with us for a quote. 🙂  

Workshop (two hours) = £100 (one workshop leader)  or  £170 (two workshop leaders)


£100 per workshop leader 

15% discount if two workshop facilitators are needed (for ‘combo’ creative writing and drama workshops, or if extra support is necessary) 

(85X2) = £170. 

Hosting a Spoken Word/Performance Event = £160 (with two compares) plus any additional travel costs. 


£80.00 per compare (80X2) £160.00

MixMatched Marque, Information and Sensory Activities Gazebo = £200 one day. (£300 for two days) 


£100.00 for equipment hire

£50.00 per person to operate stand (x 2) = £100

(£100 + £100) Grand Total = £200

MadMatched Show = £500 (estimate for 6 performers, two compares) plus reasonable travel costs for performers and hosts. 


£50 per performer (£50×6) Total: £300

 £100 per compare (£200×2) Total: £200.

 (£300+£200) Grand Total: £500 

Hybrid Show and Spoken Word/Performance Sign-up Event = £300.00 (with two MadMatched Performers and two MixMatched hosts) 


MadMatched Performer cost £50.00 (£50 x 2) £100. 

Compares Cost £100.00 (100.00 X 2) £200.00

(£200+£100) Grand Total: £300.00

INCLUSIVE FESTIVAL BUNDLE PRICE/DISCOUNT: £500 (one day) £600 (spread over two days)

Breakdown/Includes: Manned Gazebo/Sensory Tent (usually £200.00 one day), Two Workshops (usually £100.00 each), One Hybrid Performance/Spoken Word with two of MadMatched Performers (usually £300) 

Savings: £200

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