Neurodivergent+ Creative Arts Organisation in Kent

Other Neurodivergent Groups, Kent

Canterbury ADHD Meetup
(every first Tuesday of the month)
Café Eleto, Canterbury
Neurospicy Thanet
Neurodivergent friendly coffee mornings/events
ADD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, ASD, FASD, FAS, GDD Kent
Kent Autistic Support Group
Neurodivergent Friends in Thannet
Invisible Women Autistic Artists Group
UokA – (University of Kent Autism)
Open to people outside of the University
Most Tuesdays, University of Kent, Canterbury
East Kent Autism and ADHD Social!
Neurodivergent friendly socials
Kent UK Autism Support
Kent Women's Autistic Support Group
Autistic Assemble Improv Comedy
Folklaw Neurodivergent-led Open Mic, Folkstone
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